作者:Pei-Xin Shen Vivien Perrin Mircea Trif Pascal Simon
A chain of magnetic impurities deposited on the surface of a superconductorcan form a topological Shiba band that supports Majorana zero modes and hold apromise for topological quantum computing. Yet, most experiments scrutinizingthese zero modes rely on transport measurements, which only capture localproperties. Here we propose to leverage the intrinsic dynamics of the magneticimpurities to access their non-local character. We use linear response theoryto determine the dynamics of the uniform magnonic mode in the presence ofexternal $ac$ magnetic fields and the coupling to the Shiba electrons. Wedemonstrate that this mode, which spreads over the entire chain of atoms,becomes imprinted with the parity of the ground state and, moreover, candiscriminate between Majorana and trivial zero modes located at the end of thechain. Our approach offers a non-invasive alternative to the scanningtunnelling microscopy techniques used to probe Majorana zero modes. Conversely,the magnons could facilitate the manipulation of Majorana zero modes intopological Shiba chains.